Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Week 9, Thing 20: Youtube

My brother is the first one to introduce me to youtube or maybe in way my finance... i dunno. But when my brother first showed me it was great, because we were watching these music video by OK Go- Here it Goes Again. We watch video, I don't know how many time, just for amusement and to trying to show everyone in the family. I think Youtube great way for people to express themselves and just have fun. Though I do think the people who do the Lego version of everything, *(yes I mean everything from parts of Harry Potter to a version of the music video I posted above) have a little too much time on there hand. Well at least there not doing anything harmful.

One way we could use this in the library is too tape some of our puppet shows and post them on our website after they have finished, for those children who didn't get to see them or want to see them again.

This video is great!

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